Prepare Ponders 2/23

According to Algorithmia, enterprise AI is on the rise but challenges in deployment, scaling etc. still hinder teams from extracting value from ML investments. 

We were struck by how closely the findings of Algorithmia’s 2020 State of Enterprise Machine Learning parallels what we hear from Prepare constituents through our training and informational sessions. 

There are many valuable findings in the report; 3 we’re focusing on are:

  • Companies are rapidly scaling their data science teams

    Prepare’s takeaway: if you’re looking to reskill/upskill or are the parent of a college-aged student, data science training is a smart choice; check out our resources page for more info

  • 75% of companies surveyed are somewhere between evaluating use cases and early stage adoption

    Prepare’s takeaway: if you’re feeling behind the curve, you’re not. But now is the time to start.

  • 43% of respondents reported scaling models as the biggest overall challenge

    Prepare’s takeaway: start thinking about how the data in your org is structured and how the data *teams* are structured for the best opportunities to scale models across data sets, departments etc

We highly recommend downloading the free report. We’ll be sharing how we plan to help constituents in the months to come.